Users around the world enjoy Backpack: an intuitive platform that provides credentialing automation with unparalleled blockchain security.


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Institutions conferring credentials, micro-credentials and badges benefit from Backpack:

  • Smooth, seamless integrations with a myriad of third-party LMS, assessment and credentialing platforms,

  • Document process automation that makes streamlined administration a snap,

  • Cost savings associated with reduced administration costs of future credential validation,

  • Confidence all processes and credentials are secure, fool-proof, and tamper-proof.



Learners own their credentials in a blockchain learner portfolio - for life!

  • Simple, intuitive mobile app captures QR-codes for each credential and it is added to your blockchain portfolio,

  • Cryptocurrency-caliber security on Ethereum or private blockchain,

  • Unequaled privacy & control - no one can access or view your portfolio except the issuer, you and whomever you grant access.



Verifiers have confidence in the credentials they are granted permission to review:

  • Validations are as simple as a click on any credential to see the issuer, credential, learner and date issued.

  • Verifications are completed in a matter of a few seconds!

  • Confidence that no credential are fraudulent - no counterfeit or forged credentials, none modified, only credible blocks!

The Backpack revolutionizes how credentials are conferred, validated, and held by learners for their entire careers.
— Wendy Oliver EdD, Chief Academic Officer | Edison Learning

Backpack extends a line of authenticated documentation throughout learners’ careers.

The FocalPoint Backpack solution is:

  • Decentralized - The platform is extended into a public or private blockchain (you choose!), free from any central point of failure.

  • Watertight privacy - No one can view credentials but for the issuer, learner, and whomever the learner designates.

  • Economical - Pricing is affordable and future back-end credential administration costs are reduced.

  • Tamper-proof - Credentials cannot be modified… only removed or replaced by the issuer.

  • Easily integrated with many third-party platforms via APIs and single-sign-on.

Here’s a simple use case…